Monday, 3 September 2012

Twitter & Premeditation

I'm not sure why but in the last few days I've taken to searching 'cyclist' on twitter to see what it throws up, the results are not so good. In the space of any given hour there seems to be up to half a dozen people wishing violence and injury on cyclists.

I wonder, should any unfortunate cyclist encounter one of these people and end up in an accident with them, could their mindless ramblings on Twitter be used to prove premeditation? Here's a few from the last hour...

Good luck Team GB at your Manchester headquarters, James here is goin' ta getcha!

This charmer works at Universal music, but don't worry his opinions are his own.

Now this young fellow is a young pro footballer at Stirling Albion who just failed his driving test, thank God.

And Sahara here's heart is obviously barren.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Social Cost of Motoring

In round terms, ...the Government raises close to £50 billion from road users.
The Campaign for Better Transport extrapolates from the Government research on marginal external costs (above) to reach a total cost of externalities of £70 billion–£95 billion per annum at [2009] prices.
House of Commons Transport Committee - Taxes and charges on road users 2009

A great deal of those costs fall on individuals rather than the government, bereavement, noise, congestion, air quality, essentially standard of living costs borne by the wider society. So it might appear that the government raises £50bn but only spends some £9bn on maintaining roads, but the other £41bn goes towards offsetting the costs to society. A non motorist cannot claim back the cost of their reduced standard of living directly from anyone, but by raising taxes from motorists, the government can reduce other taxes paid by everyone. Even so there is still a £20-45bn shortfall between what motoring costs society and what motorists pay. Put another way, £45bn is half of the total raised by National Insurance, an even more direct tax on jobs than fuel duty. In fact, if you raised that extra £20bn in taxes from motorists (increase fuel duty by 40p, probably more like 50-60p to account for reduced sales due to changing behaviour) the income tax personal allowance could be raised to about £12,000, just about the right amount for those who insist on a living wage. OK, some inflation will follow offsetting things a bit, but we're in the ballpark.

Low taxes on motoring is not essentially right wing idealism, indeed, undertaxing it as we are is effectively socialising the cost of motoring.

Thoughtfully a list was drawn up of the cheapest and most expensive fuel around the world, the list of the cheapest countries could almost be a list of the world's greatest tinpot dictatorships. Meanwhile, Norway, the highest priced place in the world for fuel has been found to have the highest standard of living in 10 out of the last 11 years. Not a causal link of course, but I think it's safe to say that low taxes on fuel is not a necessity for making life better. I've been to Norway, I don't need to go to Turkmenistan to know which country I would rather live in.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Gazelle Toer Populair - That's how I roll

A.K.A. A bike too far?

A little while ago a new position became available in my fleet and I knew it was time to get myself a comfy town bike as none of my other bikes fit the role of relaxed cruising around in regular clothes.

Being of a contrary nature I opted against the available Pashley and Raleigh Roadsters for no particular reason and bought a single speed Gazelle Toer Populair with coaster brake. I would have liked a 3 speed but for a couple of reasons 1. It was £250 more and for less than half that amount I can change the hub if I ever really feel the need to move up. 2. For 2012 Gazelle have stopped making the mens three speed with coaster brake and I really wanted a coaster brake as I think it suits the cruising style.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Gazelle Toer Populair finds a new fan
The single speed came with black tyres, cheap black saddle and rubber grips all of which I changed. If you are wondering about the weird statue look here.

Gazelle Toer Populair
New kit
Cream Delta Cruisers, £11 each from Spa Cycles. I'll be keeping these well inflated as taking the rear wheel off is a hell of a job.
  • Remove axle bolts
  • Remove rack supports
  • Take off as much of chain guard as possible
  • Unscrew chain tensioners
  • Unscrew coaster brake
  • Push wheel forwards and take chain off sprocket
  • Pull wheel backwards and unship chain from axle and drop wheel out
  • Then get it all back together without forgetting where all the washers went
When I did get it back together I pulled the chain a bit too tight and could feel some friction in the drivetrain coming through the pedals when riding. So I eased off the tensioners a bit and it's smooth as silk now.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Brooks B67 Aged Saddle
The Brooks B67 Aged saddle actually comes as OEM on the three speed, my impression so far is that it is very comfy.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Nori-San cork grips
The rubber grips that came with the bike were hard on the hands and sticky when warm, these cork grips by Nori-San from Hubjub are soft and cool. The bell is nice too it's of the r-r-r-r-ring rather than ding! variety.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Axa Defender Lock
The lock is quick and simple to use, these are quite rare in the UK, I wouldn't use it as a primary means of security, but if I'm in a shop and the bike is outside but visible to me it would befuddle a thief long enough for me to run outside.

Gazelle Toer Populair
The little clip holds the stand to the rack strut
The rear stand folds up and the clip snaps it to the rack strut although it is stiff enough to hold itself up, but a nice touch.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Head badge
One very minor disappointment, from other photographs I thought the fork crown was chromed, but it turns out it is some sort of cover just sitting over the top.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Front Light
Not had the opportunity to use the light yet, it looks the part but would be nicer if it was full chrome rather than half chrome, half plastic.

I can't remember ever having sat on a roadster type bicycle before and the first impression was, "Damn, that steering is light, and that front wheel is a long way away!" After a few yards it was no problem.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Just the one brake lever for the front drum brake which is not that powerful, but the rear coaster brake certainly is. I'm 5'9" with a 29" inseam, this is the smallest 57cm frame but i still have the saddle quite low and have raised the bars up quite high.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Rear Light
The rear battery operated light and large reflector. The mudguard support loops around to form a little protective barrier in case you reverse the bike into anything.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Really good stretchy straps
These straps are very strong and very stretchy, I strapped down a full 10kg backpack confident that it wouldn't shift about, and it didn't!

Gazelle Toer Populair
Front mudguard detail
A little flare on the front mudguard.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Fork crown cover
Another view of that fork crown cover.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Bottle dynamo
Bottle dynamo, not seen one of these since my brother's Raleigh Grifter.

Gazelle Toer Populair
Front drum brake
The front drum brake connections, quick and simple to remove.

I have a variety of bikes from all out road, to CX to Shopper, but none of them is anything like this to ride, and that was kind of the point for me. On the other bikes you are always leaning forward, a bit or a lot, nose pointing down, weight on your palms, the Gazelle is a totally different animal. You sit up, way up, in a way that most people under 40 in the UK have probably never experienced a bike. Get the wheels turning and it glides along smooth as silk, of course it takes a bit of effort to build up speed, but once up to speed the momentum of that weight and centrifugal force of the wheels lets it roll along at 12-15mph almost effortlessly on flat ground.

The 635 x 40 (or 28 x 1 1/2 if you will) Delta Cruisers are lovely and smooth my CX has 35s with small knobbles and other bikes have 23s or 25s at 100+psi, so a 40 road tyre with <60psi is a further revelation, no crashing around, no vibration, no tyre noise. The combination of tyre, steel frame, Brooks saddle and 22kgs manages to damp out all unwanted stresses yet the steering still inspires confidence.

Add in the practicality of fully enclosed chain, full mudguards, skirt/coat guard, big rack, straps, lock, lights and stand and it fulfills most of my daily biking needs and does so with no small degree of aplomb.

That's the practical and physical side covered, but how does it really feel... You're sat high up, you're facing ahead not down, you can look at the world again, lay back and cruise, smile at girls, wear regular clothes, leave the road warrior red mist at home and enjoy the ride. The only thing I can think to compare it to are three things I can't compare it to because I've never been in any of them, a Range Rover for the view, a Rolls Royce for the stateliness or if you're a motorcyclist something like a Honda Goldwing. In fact it is so composed and nonchalant I am sure had the need arisen Major Carlyle would have commandeered one on his Dutch vacation.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

On Civil Rights

Q. How do you turn educated, affluent, young, white males into a downtrodden minority group?

A. Give them all bicycles.

NB I promise to not use the phrase "I have a dream" anywhere in this post....other than just there of course. Not least because it would seem rather bad form to have a dream that calls for segregation of the minority.

Before I begin and due to the usual sensitivities that we must take account of I want to say I am not directly likening cycling to the Civil Rights movement, but there are similarities it might be useful to explore.

First up, what is a minority in the political sense, for speed we'll turn to Wikipedia which quotes 
Feagin (1984) states that a minority group has five characteristics: (1) suffering discrimination and subordination, (2) physical and/or cultural traits that set them apart, and which are disapproved by the dominant group, (3) a shared sense of collective identity and common burdens, (4) socially shared rules about who belongs and who does not determine minority status, and (5) tendency to marry within the group.
So how does cycling stack up against those criteria?
  1. Cyclists have nominal equality before the law, although I would be interested to learn if they really do receive equal protection and redress. However cyclists definitely have to play a subordinate role to the motor vehicle if for no other reason than their sheer vulnerability and they have to contend with persistent intimidation.
  2. Cultural traits...which are disapproved of by the dominant group, simply being on a bicycle seems enough to get a lot of drivers' backs up.
  3. Yes.
  4. Ride a bike? You're in.
  5. I don't believe there are enough female cyclists to go round, but if one were interested it would certainly count in her favour.
So we're definitely in the ballpark. Add to all that the 100+ cyclists killed every year and the thousands injured due to deliberate acts of violence, or, more commonly, drivers not giving a crap, and the issue becomes rather more serious.

Anecdotally, a cycling buddy was knocked off his bike a year ago, he was on our local A-road minding his own business when some white van man took an exception to him. The van went to overtake him and swerved into the side of him, he kept his balance and a torrent of abuse was yelled from the window of the van. White van man came back for another go and this time did a proper job. Buddy was thrown from the bike and landed face first on the tarmac his helmet smashed to pieces as did several of the bones in his face. The van driver was convicted of dangerous driving and warned to go home and prepare for a custodial sentence, he did a bit of begging though and it was reduced to 12 month ban, has to pass an anger management course before he can reapply for a provisional licence. Fined £1200, 140hrs community service.

Then just a week ago a friend of a friend was riding along when somebody lent out of a passing car window, pushed him off his bike and into a ditch.

I can't imagine that either of these situations would have ended in violence if the victim was walking, driving or even riding a scooter.

The one advantage the cycling fraternity has going for it though is its demographic. I'm in a not so great part of Liverpool, but even here the majority of cyclists fit in to the white, male, young-middle aged, educated and affluent categories. The greater portion of my commuting buddies comprises 4 doctors and a surgeon, all white, one female. Cycling is also quite Londoncentric and on 'our side' we have lots of city boys, journalists, politicians, a Lord, even Rupert Murdoch for christ's sake! Seriously, if this group of people can't get something done the next step must be to employ the Iraqi Information Minister to do our PR.

Back in the 70s the Dutch went through the era of protesting and campaigning for safer streets, a battle they largely won, watch this wonderful video brought to you via BicycleDutch

Notice also the campaign posters


There's a similar theme here


Through direct action, civil disobedience and plain old making a racket they got the best cycling infrastructure in the world. Largely segregated from motor traffic and with laws to add weight, strict liability and priority for traffic going straight on. The Civil Rights movement using similar tactics won its early battles and secured an amendment to the US constitution

How might the UK's battle be won? Feel free to make your own suggestions in the comments. While you think, here are a few of mine, I'm sure you'll do much better...
  • A cyclists' strike - all cyclists in London hang up their helmets for a day and get on the tube. Add more overcrowding to an overcrowded network. Alternatively, anyone who can drives to work, adding more congestion. Give people a taste of how bad it could be if nobody bothered to cycle.
  • A nationwide cycle to work day - if your company could be persuaded, have them support a cycle to work day whereby anyone who cycles to work on that day gets breakfast bought for them.
  • Much of the Dutch protest was an appeal to the heart to stop the deaths of children. Along similar lines and with permission from families, a campaign of posters, flyers or balloon releases with details and photos of people killed while cycling.

Monday, 27 February 2012

What if the HSE ran the DfT? part II

In the previous article I looked at the hierarchy of risk control and the sorts of things the HSE might expect to be considered when attempting to reduce risks for cyclists.

In this section we are going to get rather cold hearted I'm afraid. If we are to continue imagining how the HSE might approach the topic of road safety then we must familiarise ourselves with one of the basic characteristics of their method, 'reasonably practicable'.

We would like to prevent all road deaths however it would not be practicable to do so. You would either
  • Have to ban all motorised transport.
  • Spend an incredibly huge amount of money to prevent as many as possible.
The plain fact of the matter is that society doesn't value a life high enough to justify the amount of spending that would be required. When we say value, we mean just that, cold hard cash, a few years ago the HSE did some research and found that we're willing to spend just over £1m to prevent a fatality. Add in the other costs such as emergency services and loss of output and the figure we arrive at is £1,778,000 per non-motorway fatality. The cost of serious injuries is £208,000 and the cost of slight injuries is £22,000. These figures are known as the Value of Prevention of Fatality/Accident. It's a tricky concept, the HSE describes it as...
VPF is often misunderstood to mean that a value is being placed on a life. This is not the case. It is simply another way of saying what people are prepared to pay to secure a certain averaged risk reduction. A VPF of £1,000,000 corresponds to a reduction in risk of one in a hundred thousand being worth about £10 to an average individual. VPF therefore, is not to be confused with the value society, or the courts, might put on the life of a real person or the compensation appropriate to its loss
This spreadsheet kindly tells us how many cyclists are injured. Multiply it all together and the figure we arrive at is £1,067,746,000 quite a large number. I'm willing to agree that approximating a true VPA/VPF figure is very difficult, so if we strip out the guesstimated part for a minute leaving only the actual costs of cycling accidents we get the figure £292,849,372. Of course government doesn't bear all the costs of an accident but eventually 45% of everything flows through the government's coffers, which would be £131m of our £292m. So depending on which figures you choose it would be considered reasonably practicable to spend between £131m and £1.067bn on cycling infrastructure.

Alternatively the HSE might say an amount proportional to the quantity of cycling should be spent, this article says £13.4bn was spent on roads and we know that cyclists account for 1% of distance travelled which means spending should be £134m (remarkably similar to the figure of £131m above). However, the government is trying to encourage cycling so we might expect them to spend a disproportionately high amount on cycling. Rather than distance though we could use a time spent travelling equivalence, in the previous article I used 12mph average speed for bicycles and 30mph for cars, both guesstimates, but it bumps the spending requirement up to £335m, kind of in the ballpark of the £292m mentioned earlier.

Even the HSE might blanche at spending £1bn per year on cycle infrastructure but a lower bound of £130m up to £300m seems reasonable, or indeed, reasonably practicable.When you consider that an accident is money down the drain year after year, but infrastructure spending keeps giving back, year after year and that what is good for cyclist will also be good for pedestrians to an extent, then the figures look even better.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

What if the HSE ran the DfT?

As someone who had some H&S training and responsibilities in a prior life I would like to apply some of that thinking to the cyclesafe debate.

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASWA) sets out some basics, Wikipedia sumarises them pretty well...

Duties of Employers
  • Provision and maintenance of plant and systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risks to health;
  • Arrangements for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
  • Provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees;
  • So far as is reasonably practicable as regards any place of work under the employer’s control, the maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health and the provision and maintenance of means of access to and egress from it that are safe and without such risks;
  • Provision and maintenance of a working environment for his employees that is, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work.

Duties of Employees
  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of him/herself and of other persons who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions at work; and
  • Co-operate with employers or other persons so far as is necessary to enable them to perform their duties or requirements under the Act.
I hope that's fairly clear. For the purposes of comparison the employers is the authority in charge of the highway and the employee the user of the highway.

So the authority has to ensure the design, construction and maintenance of the highway is safe and the employee has to use it responsibly.

The next thing we would need to do is undertake a risk assessment. We know that ~3000 people die on the roads each year but it would be useful to know the rate at which they die to help us to know where to allocate resources.

This tells us how many deaths per billion vehicle miles, but due to greatly different average speeds it's not that helpful so by using some guesstimated average speeds I've converted it to an average based on time exposed to danger
  • Pedestrians - 37 per billion miles at 3mph = 111 per billion hours
  • Cyclists - 36 per billion miles at 12mph = 433 per billion hours
  • Motorists - 3 per billion miles at 30mph = 90 per billion hours
From this we see that cyclists are the most at risk of the main different types of road user (this is comparative data, I'm not saying cycling is dangerous). We might then decide that protecting cyclists should be given a proportionately higher priority due to this higher risk.

Next we'd go on to look at how we might reduce the risk to cyclists for this we would turn to the hierarchy of risk control

Hierarchy of Control

The beady eyed amongst you might notice (with a wry grin) right away that PPE is at the bottom of the hierarchy, due to it's ineffectiveness and reliance on mitigation rather than prevention.

Let's briefly run down the hierarchy and try and apply its teachings to the public highway

I don't think it is either desirable or practical to eliminate all motor vehicles from the highway but we could certainly eliminate some journeys, close off more roads from motorised traffic or even reduce available parking spaces. Alternatively it could mean the elimination of cohabitation, by providing roads for non-motorised vehicles we eliminate the hazard, we could call these cycle lanes!


Through a system of positive and negative incentives people can be persuaded to change their mode of transport. A very simple example would be the tax system as money talks better than most incentives. 

  • A positive incentive might be an incentive for using cycles while commuting as I have discussed previously
  • A negative incentive might be an increase to the marginal cost of motoring by scrapping VED and applying the cost to fuel duty, this would raise the cost of a litre of fuel by 10p
I don't think it would make a huge difference but it would have an effect.

This is probably where most of the work can be done, cycle lanes, redesigning junctions, traffic flows, traffic lights, good engineering solutions won't let people make mistakes. From the HSE's guidance

Separate the hazard ... by methods such as enclosing or guarding dangerous items of machinery/equipment. Give priority to measures which protect collectively over individual measures.
There we find something the HSE is very keen on collective protection, it's good because it is usually fit and forget, if you want to protect people working at height you fit safety nets rather than relying on individuals to use their fall restraint harnesses correctly. Similarly, you build a segregated cycle lane rather than relying on drivers not to hit cyclists and pedestrians.

Administrative & Behavioural
Begin with training, tell people how they need to behave, provide laws and regulations as a framework, then provide supervision and discipline. This comes towards the ineffectual end of the hierarchy because it is largely self policing, drivers aren't constantly supervised so we have to trust them to behave well.

Personal Protective Equipment
At the very bottom of the hierarchy is the thing so many people seem to think is the answer to cycling casualties. Here's what the HSE have to say about PPE 

Only after all the previous measures have been tried and found ineffective in controlling risks to a reasonably practicable level, must personal protective equipment (PPE) be used.
The two types of PPE associated with cycling are
  1. Hi viz clothing. The need for hi viz clothing just proves all the other parts of the hierarchy have failed. The risk has not been eliminated, substituted or engineered away, the cyclist is still placed in a risky area, and administrative solutions have failed because drivers don't concentrate enough to see a cyclist not wearing hi viz.
  2. Helmets. Anyone who suggests helmets are the primary way to prevent cyclist injuries has obviously never had their granny tell them prevention is better than cure. As a cyclist I'd rather not get hit in the first place than rely on a helmet to protect me. Unfortunately, because the risk hierarchy is almost never implemented by road designers, I do have to rely on one.

The other side to this is what the HSE calls reasonably practicable, would it be reasonable to spend X to prevent Y. Would it be reasonable to spend £1m to redesign a junction to prevent 1 cyclist death? I'll look at that next time.

Edit: Part II available here

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Cyclesafe debate - Hi viz and Helmets

I didn't have the opportunity to watch today's debate on cycling safety, but it is available online now, so far I have made do with reading The Times' live blog of it. It seems like a good show all round.

The best quote I have read so far is
"Wouldn't it be great if you didn't *have* to wear all this safety clobber, and you could just go out your front door, jump on your bike and go. Wouldn't that get more people cycling, if it were just safe to do so?"
Which pretty much sums up the entire thing. I shouldn't have to dress like a twat because someone else can't be arsed to look where they are going. Hi viz and helmets is not a solution, it's what you have to resort to when you don't have a solution. Just ask any Health & Safety professional, personal protective equipment is at the bottom of the risk control hierarchy and should only be implemented when no other solution can be found.

I'm sure everyone has their own ideas of ways of improving things and what they would put in their own cycling manifesto and if I could pick one thing that I've not heard much about that I would include it would be....
  1. The proposed cycling commissioner would have to approve every road being built and every junction being redesigned and that every junction being redesigned must include a "Dutch" level of cycle provision whenever possible.
If they have to redesign the junction anyway it's not going to cost much more to lay a few extra kerbstones or red tarmac to segregate cyclists and motorists. That way we wouldn't have to put up with substandard proposals such as the recent example from Liverpool.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Cycling while Pregnant

 Not something I'm ever likely to do I admit, I particularly like this...
I also expected that at some point I just wouldn’t want to bike anymore, but as my belly grew it became much more comfortable to bike than walk.
via Girls and Bicycles

I've never really thought about it along those lines, but for many people who have trouble walking, cycling can be a means of getting about normally. I know on the occasions I've had back or leg muscle injuries it has rarely stopped me cycling even when I could barely stand up straight to get on the bike.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Tax Incentives for Cyclists

The UK has the Cycle to Work Scheme which I have used twice now to purchase bikes, keeping about £900 out of the grasping hands of the tax man and in my pocket. However as with so many things velo related our near neighbours have taken it a step further, the Netherlands and Belgium in particular give tax relief on cycling to work

Bicycles - The employer is allowed to provide a tax free payment for commuting by bike of again €0.18/km (23 US cents). Employers are also allowed to provide employees with a new bike, but only once every three years. The value of this bicycle is treated as income, but if ite is used for commuting, the value of the bike is fixed at €68 ($US89) for tax purposes. This applies to bikes up to a maximum value of €749 ($US976). Employers may also providebike accessories (e.g. maintenance, clothing locks etc.), this is tax free up to a value of €250 ($US326).
 Tax treatment of employer commuting support: an international review

In Belgium, companies and public organisations are likewise allowed to pay their employees when cycling to work with an amount of 0.20 € per kilometre per day (no more than 15 kilometres a day). The supplement is tax free for the employees and the employers get tax credit for the expense.
Tax incentives for bike commuting

Commuting distances
We can see on table 7 that 20% of commutes are under 2 miles and 46% are under 5 miles. Of those 12% of car commutes are under 2 miles and 40% of car commutes are under 5 miles.
Commuting and business travel factsheet tables – April 2011 (XLS – 211 KB)

Table 11 says average occupancy is 1.2, so many people could change modes without affecting travel partners.

We'll go for a middle ground of 3 miles because it is roughly the length of my commute. Cycling 3 miles is achievable for most people I reckon. 5 miles is perfectly doable by many. At these sort of distances people are probably travelling on 20/30/40mph roads, a fair bit of stopping and starting, a three mile commute might take 7 minutes by car or up to 14 minutes by bike. It might be 100% longer, but the nominal difference is only 7 minutes.

The marginal cost of the commute by car is petrol + depreciation due to increased mileage + some wear and tear, nicely estimated here. I think due to higher costs of motoring in the UK than US we will convert he numbers to pence without adjusting for exchange rate. So marginal cost per mile is £0.23. 3 miles, twice a day for 222 days a year = £306

Belgium's tax incentive of  0.20 € per kilometre equals £0.27 per mile = £360

So the toal incentive is equal to £666 per year, less £100 for a pair of tyres and a service.

I wonder how many would change mode for £566 per year?

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Giving up your car

I have a confession to make. I'm a petrolhead, and not just a little one, I can bore the hell out of you with facts like Lancia Deltas used the same indicator stalks as Ferrari F40s. C'Ă©tait un rendez-vous is faked and I can prove it. And you should never, ever turn off the traction control in a Smart car on a wet roundabout.

It all started when I was about 8, one lazy Sunday morning I was up early and watched some foreign bloke win a race in a bright yellow car, his name was Senna and the car was a Lotus.

Ayrton Senna Camel Lotus

A few years later my heart was broken when he died one terrible weekend in Italy.

But I still loved Formula One, I even had another dead hero, Bernd Rosemeyer, he died in 1938 in Germany

Bernd Rosemeyer 1937 Donnington Practice

Throughout this time I was still too young to drive myself and so like most young chaps I had a bike. I had several in fact. I loved them, I rode them everywhere. I rode them right up to the day before I took possession of my first car. My dad was a bit of a cyclist and every July we watched the TdF highlights of an evening. Alongside my poster of Senna I had one of a Peugeot Triathlon and watching Greg Lemond power through Paris like a locomotive was one of the most exciting moments ever.

Eventually though when I was old enough I passed my driving test, bought a car and from that day cycling took a back seat for a few years, it never left entirely but was definitely overshadowed.

Then, when I was old enough I bought my dream car, well, of all my dream cars, the only one I am ever likely to be able to afford, a Lotus Elise. What a beauty, what a car! The noise of the sports exhaust, the exquisite balance and handling.

Lotus Elise

Such a shame that there is almost nowhere to enjoy it and so it spent most of its time in the garage, usually just coming out for a cruise around town. Only once or twice did I ever really experience its wonders on a B-road. It didn't take long for the realisation to set in. Too much car in too small a country. Too expensive, too frustrating, too likely to end up in court or a grave. She sold very quickly, to a man from Belgium who had once taken part in LeMans.

And I bought this.

Boardman CX Team
At this point I had already been cycling again for a few years and i picked up this CX as a commuter bike, a job it does very well (note to self, buy some mudguards).

The moral of the tale? I'm a cyclist, I love cycling and bicycles but I also love cars, fast cars, on the ragged edge, I think I'll buy a go-kart. I have no kids and live 6 miles from work, perhaps giving up my car was easy because of my circumstances. Before I did it I was sure I would have to replace it pretty quickly, but I just never got around to it. Now the idea of dropping several grand on an item I have very little need for that would also severely increase my exposure to liability, seems stupid at best. Giving up motoring has been liberating, no bills, no responsibility, pumping up for the day with a brisk ride in to work and winding down with a thoughtful ride home. Life just seems better.

Get behind the bike #3

Continuing our series, another great reason to get behind the bike, legs of steel.

Cycling Campaign Poster

Monday, 13 February 2012

Get behind the bike #2

Continuing our series, today we bring to you another good reason to get behind the bike.

Cycling Campaign Poster

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Bikes don't kill people...

 although very occasionally cyclists die while travelling – they’re not being killed by bikes.
Own the Road - Cyclists Live Longer

An interesting thought, it brings to mind the gun lobby, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Imagine for a moment nobody was ever killed while riding a bike, but every year a hundred people were killed by nutters walking in to gyms and shooting people using exercise bikes. Two things would happen; exercise bikes would become rather unpopular; nobody would blame exercise bikes for the deaths.

Though, what if our killer gave a warning? Get off the exercise bike or I'll shoot you! But our stubborn little cyclist refuses to budge. Are they now liable for their own death?

Let's move the scene, our little gym bunny plonks their bike down in the middle of a shooting range, jumps on and starts pedalling away. The gun club members know the bike is there, but that's okay, they are all trained, experienced, licenced firearms users, they can shoot past it at the targets without fear of killing anyone. Until they get a bit tired or complacent, or just plain lazy.

It's fair to say cyclists can be dumb, some of them can be real effing idiotic, but very few are so dumb as to be responsible for their own demise. The motorist is the party allowed the responsibility and the privilege of driving a potentially hazardous item around the roads and ultimately it is their actions that decide if someone lives or dies.

A new cycling campaign

For too long cycling has often been viewed as po-faced, miserable, drudgery. Panting along on a grey hybrid in the pissing rain from home to work, praying you make it alive because it seems like every motorist is out to kill you. Well, no more I say! Today we adopt a practice that the mad men of motor manufacturing learnt many moons ago, sex sells.

Motorists, we aren't the enemy, we are you, just a thinner, sexier you with better bums. For too long car manufacturers have been deceiving you that your car will make you look sexier, it won't, you can't take your car to bed with you, once between the sheets, what have you got? A pale flabby backside and a belly. Fear not, help is at hand because you can bring to the bedroom the trim waist, firm bum and shapely leg that a regular few miles on a bike will give you.

Motorists, get behind the bike!

Cycling Campaign Poster

Celebrity Cycle Chic

There is something aesthetically pleasing about the elegance of the bicycle and a well-dressed woman. You certainly get noticed far more than if you were sitting at the back of a bus.'

Any excuse for a picture of Kelly Brook riding a Pashley, proving a pretty girl on a bike is incomparable with the back of a bus. With Christian Louboutin shoes and a floaty fifties frock she's a picture of style, roll on summer!


Friday, 10 February 2012

Politics of Cycling

It seems of late that you can’t pick up a newspaper or turn on an interweb without a politician giving you their opinion of cycling.

Whether it’s Ken Livingstone saying cyclists should get priority at traffic lights; David Cameron offering support to the Times’ Cities fit for Cyclists campaign; or Nigel Farage saying we’re a bit of a nuisance in town and country.

It’s Mr Farage who has inspired me to write today, I confess I don't know an awful lot about him, certainly not enough to know his views on cycling before he mentioned them on Wednesday. One thing I did know though was that UKIP claim to be on the libertarian side of the spectrum, indeed they went so far as courting former  Libertarian Party members when that party closed its doors. Libertarianism is of course a rather broad church and will encompass views from "I will drive a car whenever and however I want" right across to "I will ride a bike and avoid paying tax".

Even so, I am still a little surprised that someone on the libertarian side would be hostile to cyclists riding two abreast or whatever they do to annoy him, because for all their faults cyclists are not much of an inconvenience to anyone. For some reason whatever negative effect a cyclist does have will be amplified in the mind of the person inconvenienced. 

Consider a pair of cyclists riding two abreast, you're driving along, they are ahead, you slow down, maybe ten seconds passes, a minute even, let's be outrageous and say two whole minutes pass while you are behind them waiting for an opportunity to overtake. If it is so difficult to overtake that you must wait two minutes before you can do so chances are it's a windy little lane and you probably shouldn't be doing more than 40mphish anyway, Sunday cyclists probably average 15mph so you are only delayed something like 1m20s. Clearly an eternity. Yet the amplification of negativity seems largely confined to cyclists, I don't really hear the same expressions of anger directed at horse riders or walkers.

Anyway, the point I want to get around to is that cycling is pretty much the most libertarian form of transport. Cyclists are, depending on who you speak to, the direction the conversation moves in and what side they got out of bed, hippy environmentalists, flashy mamils, aggressive pricks etc. But complaints about cyclists generally fall under the banner of it being unregulated, low cost, anti-authority, hence why it is libertarian. Look at all the libertarian benefits

1. No licence
2. No registration
3. No emissions tax
4. No VAT on bike (if C2W) or fuel
5. No fuel duty
6. No insurance (unless you so choose)
7. Every mile ridden is money kept out of the government pocket and in yours
8. Very limited possibility of committing a criminal or traffic offence so reducing potential interaction with police or courts.
9. You're unlikely to ever be liable for significant injury or financial claims
10. You can largely get away with breaking traffic laws, although getting caught goes against 8.

Why would a libertarian of any colour be against such an anti-authoritarian pursuit? It is truly wrong to consider things on a simple left/right spectrum, the political compass is two dimensional, with regulation of economics on one axis and regulation of society on the other. In cycling the anti-establishment left and the libertarian right meet together on the social axis. 

Thursday, 9 February 2012

A565 Route Management Strategy

The A565 is the main route north up the coast from Liverpool. South Road is the main shopping district in Waterloo. Sefton Borough Council are proposing the following changes to the junction, mainly to further ease the flow of traffic.

Sefton Council proposal
Google Maps

The consideration given to cyclists is rather unimaginative, a couple of extra advanced stop zones, but even they don't have any designated cycle access to them. In fact the only real benefit I can see is that when turning right into South Road cyclists can be slightly less concerned about being hit from behind by vehicles going straight on.

It looks like they are purchasing land on the east side of the road, using some of it to widen the carriageway for cars and the rest is given over to a grass verge. I'm sure they could fit in a cycle lane and protected left turn if they tried. How about making South Road a shared space area?

£1.5m and all that is gained is two right turn lanes.

Times like this I wonder if there's some sort of online junction design tool, perhaps the collective wisdom of the crowd could do better than the professionals.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

in memoriam

Dear reader, below you will find an incomplete list of people killed while cycling on the roads of Britain since the turn on the century. There are about 400 on this list, however with 1,300 cyclists dying in this time, many are not listed. I have a lot more info on many of the accidents than is displayed here, hopefully it will end up as a useful resource.

Please help this small project with details of anybody you think is missing from the list, if you can provide a link to a report, even better.

Even if you can't help, a link or tweet to your contacts might.

Date Time Victim Age Gender Area
04/05/2012 13:30 Michael Walker 17 M Poole
03/05/2012 17:15 Sam Crisp 21 M Norwich
02/05/2012 16:30Phil Dawn 34 M Mansfield
22/04/2012 10:45 Orla Lawlor 26 F Langford
16/04/2012 00:05Mark Alan Camber 49 M Terrick
12/04/2012 07:00 James Cramp 41 M Bexhill
06/04/201204:15Stephen Warrington 60MBlyth
Tommy Berry 58 M Croston
27/03/201213:40Frank Mugisha 41MEnfield
23/03/201217:00Olatunji Adeyanju 17MDeptford
23/03/201214:20Lyndsey Maurice Dando 80MFrome
18/03/201208:55Andrew Ridsdale 43MBlyth
10/03/201217:40Junaid Ali Khan 12MChorlton
05/03/201216:00 Ali Nasralla 8 MKingston
05/03/2012 09:15 Bryan Simons 40 M Edinburgh
12/02/2012 20:15 Stephen David Salt 46 M Kendal
05/02/2012 12:38 Alan Mort 63 M Flint
03/02/2012 13:00 Kenneth Usher 77 M Spalding
03/02/2012 13:05 Henry Warwick 61 M London
25/01/2012 22:00 Lee Davison 31 M Washington
24/01/2012 08:00 Robb Fraser 40 M Thatcham
23/01/2012 07:10 Christopher Griffiths 50 M Hartlepool
19/01/2012 17:18 Neil Thompson 54 M Desford
13/01/2012 07:50 Josh Dale 14 M Colwick
13/01/2012 15:25 Maria Micklethwaite 36 F South Hiendley
11/01/2012 05:15 Steven Shaw Prime 47 M Crowle
07/01/2012 18:10 James Darby 42 M Beckenham
05/01/2012 08:00 Andrew McNicoll  43 M Edinburgh
05/01/2012 16:40 James Hodgson 14 M Arddleen
04/01/2012 David Noy  64 M Saxmundham
Cyclists killed in 2012: 30

12/12/2011 22 M
09/12/2011 05:50 Susan Griffiths 47 F
07/12/2011 07:15 Sarah Smith 45 F
02/12/2011 10:05 Eleanor Carey 22 F
30/11/2011 11:28 Michael Malleson 71 M
29/11/2011 07:00 Geoffrey Davis  51 M
18/11/2011 ? 74 M
17/11/2011 Colm Jainauth Apollo Glakin 26 M
15/11/2011 12:35 David Chamberlain 66 M
11/11/2011 Svitlana Tereschenko 34 F
18/10/2011 16:30 38 M
15/10/2011 Joe Vernon 66 M
07/10/2011 Andrew Hutton 45 M
03/10/2011 Min Joo Lee 24 F
01/10/2011 16:00 Paul Papworth 28 M
30/09/2011 20:20 Lee Wells 29 M
29/09/2011 Xu Liu 16 M
27/09/2011 Alan Davies 58 M
25/09/2011 Matthew Hook 28 M
24/09/2011 Brian Dorling 58 M
21/09/2011 Elaine Dunne 30 F
21/09/2011 Daniel Colton 17 M
13/09/2011 Terrence Shaw 69 M
08/09/2011 Adam ‘Totty’ Thompson 23 M
01/09/2011 16:30 Wayne Knight 35 M
01/09/2011 15:00 Leejay Pollard 26 M
28/08/2011 Michael Smyth 39 M
22/08/2011 Sarah Burwell 40 F
16/08/2011 Audrey Fyfe 75 F
16/08/2011 Connor Maddocks 15 M
14/08/2011 Martyn King 46 M
06/08/2011 Samuel Harding 25 M
03/08/2011 Iwona Zakierska 31 F
03/08/2011 15:30 Richard Francis 80 M
01/08/2011 Guiseppe Roccotiello 80 M
31/07/2011 Ben Madden 15 M
29/07/2011 Joy Soffe 13 F
29/07/2011 Leigh Austin Hills 34 M
25/07/2011 Johannah Bailey 49 F
11/07/2011 Christine Favager 69 F
03/07/2011 Mark Anthony Salinger 23 M
30/06/2011 Karl Austin 47 M
30/06/2011 Michael Andrew Killemede 47 M
21/06/2011 Peter McGreal 44 M
20/06/2011 Matthew Thomas Bradley 38 M
18/06/2011 James Bomford 46 M
17/06/2011 Martyn Uzzell 51 M
15/06/2011 Amy Hofmeister 13 F
14/06/2011 Alistair Platt 44 M
08/06/2011 James McGee 37 M
31/05/2011 Ken Rushall 82 M
29/05/2011 10:55 Michael Evans 62 M
26/05/2011 20:10 Rob Jefferies 42 M
22/05/2011 John Brian Austin 57 M
20/05/2011 Michael Philips 29 M
19/05/2011 15:00 David Allbutt 62 M
19/05/2011 Steve Burt 53 M
17/05/2011 Thomas Stone 13 M
29/04/2011 Ian Davison 37 M
28/04/2011 Craig Newton 32 M
28/04/2011 Naoko 35 F
22/04/2011 Gavin Taylor 40 M
15/04/2011 Michael Caulfield 56 M
13/04/2011 Elizabeth Brown 43 F
13/04/2011 Gareth Crockett 27 M
12/04/2011 Scott Lewis 32 M
05/04/2011 Paula Jurek 20 F
03/04/2011 Joan Wooldridge 67 F
27/03/2011 Matthew Tuffin 28 M
23/03/2011 Bernard Parkes 64 M
22/03/2011 David Poblet 20 M
20/03/2011 Robert Gregory 43 M
10/03/2011 Tom Barrett 45 M
07/03/2011 James Woodall 17 M
27/02/2011 17:00 Michael Hogg 46 M
23/02/2011 Robert Palmer-Wilson 71 M
02/02/2011 Daniel Cox 28 M
26/01/2011 Colin Crabtree 74 M
23/01/2011 Edwin Bond 67 M
21/01/2011 Patrick Kenny 72 M
19/01/2011 Colin Hawkes 64 M
18/01/2011 Lewis Balyckyi 18 M
18/01/2011 Luke Shannon Fowler 17 M
15/01/2011 Pat Appleton 67 F
09/01/2011 Richard Haigh 39 M
08/01/2011 Brian Heap 74 M
07/01/2011 09:30 Terry Welch 42 M
06/01/2011 Gary Mason 48 M
03/01/2011 Anthony Joseph McGee 40 M
Cyclists killed in 2011:90
11/12/2010 John Ariss 63 M
05/12/2010 Christian David Michael Townend 29 M
05/12/2010 Nicholas Rowan Townend 21 M
30/11/2010 Joanne Bishop 40 F
30/11/2010 Alistair Bettis 59 M
22/11/2010 Michael Isherwood 36 M
21/11/2010 Michael Freshwater 60 M
21/11/2010 Michael Stanley 20 M
06/11/2010 John Paul Allen 32 M
02/11/2010 Philip Edmond Lecutier 55 M
23/10/2010 Colin Neil Roberts 53 M
23/10/2010 William Honour 79 M
22/10/2010 George Le Blond 50 M
21/10/2010 Stacey Turney 20 F
20/10/2010 David Noble 71 M
13/10/2010 Christopher Timothy Andrew 48 M
13/10/2010 Colin Rae 83 M
13/10/2010 Joel Semmens 17 M
10/10/2010 Nicholas Cherrill 57 M
05/10/2010 Neil McCover 55 M
29/09/2010 Ian Hammel 53 M
27/09/2010 John Rudledge 76 M
24/09/2010 Keith Carr 60 M
03/09/2010 Olin Poulsen 20 M
27/08/2010 Philip Scarff 37 M
20/08/2010 Susan Russell 56 F
18/08/2010 Michael O’Leary 72 M
16/08/2010 Denis Peachey 54 M
09/08/2010 Vera Chaplin 89 F
09/08/2010 Tyron Allen 16 M
08/08/2010 Anthony Tumulty Millett 43 M
05/08/2010 Arina Romanova 24 F
04/08/2010 Catherine Ward 52 F
02/08/2010 Darren Wight 36 M
01/08/2010 Peter Tindley 76 M
29/07/2010 Ralph Manicom 64 M
25/07/2010 Donnell Worsley 34 M
20/07/2010 Arthur Platt 37 M
20/07/2010 Rajaendran Ramakrishnan 35 M
17/07/2010 Judith Hitchings 55 F
15/07/2010 Nigel Sloan 65 M
13/07/2010 Joanna Walters 28 F
11/07/2010 Paul Stuart Johnson 23 M
10/07/2010 Thomas Kahl 18 M
06/07/2010 Arthur Platt 37 M
06/07/2010 Paul Anthony Roberts 48 M
03/07/2010 Carlo Morato 37 M
02/07/2010 Jeffrey Fellows 44 M
26/06/2010 Kostas Tourlas 37 M
17/06/2010 Brian Ward 70 M
13/06/2010 Steven Rodway 38 M
07/06/2010 Edward Hart 73 M
02/06/2010 Sheila Mitchell 73 F
29/05/2010 David 41 M
29/05/2010 James Whybrow 18 M
22/05/2010 Everton Smith 48 M
19/05/2010 Christopher Ashman 47 M
17/05/2010 Derek Vickers 68 M
14/05/2010 03:45 Mick Garner 61 M
13/05/2010 Peter Clarke 42 M
13/05/2010 Peter Hume 42 M
09/05/2010 James Stewart Hamilton 59 M
05/05/2010 Peter Stubbs 58 M
03/05/2010 John Western Greaves 70 M
26/04/2010 Zoe Sheldrake 31 F
14/04/2010 Jayne Helliwell 25 F
11/04/2010 Matthew Robert Chapman 28 M
11/04/2010 Seamus Newell 72 M
11/04/2010 Stephen McGowan 47 M
09/04/2010 Andrew Drinkwater 23 M
08/04/2010 Anthony Hatton 20 M
08/04/2010 Luke Matthews 8 M
30/03/2010 Adrian Bridgeman 25 M
26/03/2010 Philip Barowik 19 M
24/03/2010 Jonathan Allen 29 M
23/03/2010 Amber Mattingley 29 F
10/03/2010 Shivon Watson 28 F
09/03/2010 David Vilaseca 46 M
09/03/2010 Muhammad Haris Ahmed 21 M
09/03/2010 Margaret Nicholl 67 F
05/03/2010 Akta Patel 20 F
26/02/2010 Barbara Taylor 85 F
22/02/2010 Marc Dunk 28 M
09/02/2010 Jack Pearson 73 M
06/02/2010 Harry Prior  37 M
04/02/2010 Patrick Gorman 70 M
30/01/2010 Miriam Mitchell 64 F
24/01/2010 Joseph Telford 70 M
06/01/2010 Nicholas Abraham 29 M
Cyclists killed in 2010:89
26/12/2009 Darren Rhys Frost 18 M
15/12/2009 John Brace-Day 54 M
09/12/2009 John Arris 63 M
05/12/2009 Derek Duffill 67 M

Robert Domienik
Dan Black
30/11/2009 Lisa Newman 40 F
30/11/2009 Ewan Todd 18 M
22/11/2009 Dorothy Elder 23 F
27/10/2009 17:30 Piotr Kobiela M
24/10/2009 James Bowen 48 M
20/10/2009 Tanya Van Der Loo 33 F
12/10/2009 Gary Lewis 22 M
08/10/2009 Sion Wyn Pritchard 18 M
27/09/2009 Basil Clarke 65 M
23/09/2009 Joseph McMahon 15 M
16/09/2009 Chrystelle Brown 26 F
16/09/2009 22:00 Lewis Walsh 16 M
12/09/2009 John Johnson 50 M
12/09/2009 Rory Walworth 19 M
10/09/2009 Andreia Alves Pinto 25 F
01/09/2009 Simon Evans 38 M
19/08/2009 Sarah Haywa 39 F
17/08/2009 Andras Gadacsi 53 M
13/08/2009 Lee Squire 29 M
11/08/2009 Stephen Morris 52 M
06/08/2009 Harry Wilmers 25 M
29/07/2009 Andrew Rollo 51 M
28/07/2009 Kate Louise Furneaux 27 F
27/07/2009 Christopher Rudman 64 M
27/07/2009 Kevin Watts 54 M
11/07/2009 Kevin Bratt 51 M
04/07/2009 David Coldicott 61 M

Nigel Garrett
Milena Gott
30/06/2009 Douglas Howard 73 M
29/06/2009 Catriona Patel 39 F
27/06/2009 John McCamley 38 M
26/06/2009 Gretchen Smith 43 F
12/06/2009 MarĂ­a Emma GarcĂ­a FernĂ¡ndez 24 F
10/06/2009 Brendon Harrison 13 M
03/06/2009 Louise Stoddart 42 F
01/06/2009 Martin John Minnican 42 M
30/05/2009 Khaleel Rheman 16 M
30/05/2009 Terrence Alfred Bishop 66 M
15/05/2009 Adrianna Skrzypiec 31 F
13/05/2009 Kenneth Lush 47 M
03/05/2009 Billy Harrison 21 M
03/05/2009 Gareth Rhys-Evans 37 M
29/04/2009 Stuart Robst 34 M
22/04/2009 Martin Tilley 50 M
16/04/2009 Paul Webb 42 M

Nick Moore
Brandon Lee Wells
09/04/2009 Rebecca Goosen 29 F
08/04/2009 Meryem Ozekman 37 F
06/04/2009 Laurence Pither 72 M
01/04/2009 Jim Fleming 47 M
24/03/2009 Jacob Joseph 39 M
14/03/2009 Peter Roberts 60 M
04/03/2009 Thomas McKay 46 M
24/02/2009 John Hudson 40 M
17/02/2009 Kate Auchterlonie 28 F
11/02/2009 George Canterbury 85 M
05/02/2009 Eilidh Cairns 30 F
21/01/2009 John Cole 62 M
14/01/2009 Alan Peek 59 M
06/01/2009 Pierre Foulkes 58 M
Cyclists killed in 2009:67
24/12/2008 Natalie Lee 24 F
24/12/2008 Malcolm Boswell 66 M
22/12/2008 Gary Livingstone 42 M
15/12/2008 06:30 Paul Conley 39 M
20/11/2008 Patrick O'Hara 43 M
19/11/2008 David Grundy 70 M
16/11/2008 Murray Fleming 25 M
15/11/2008 Brian Taylor 29 M
12/11/2008 Graham Peachey 45 M
01/11/2008 Mark Robinson 32 M
25/10/2008 Katarzyna Bielenda 32 F
22/10/2008 Paul Williamson 42 M
16/10/2008 Greg Dear 27 M
09/10/2008 Xuan Wei 22 F
02/10/2008 Graham Lees 48 M
02/10/2008 Stuart Holdsworth 64 M
26/09/2008 Anthony Hetherington 49 M
24/09/2008 Wan-Chen McGuiness 31 F
19/09/2008 Natalie Claire Collins 26 F
18/09/2008 Graham Thwaites 51 M
18/09/2008 Nick Wright 41 M
08/09/2008 Lisa Pontecorvo 64 F
01/09/2008 Sharon Corless 42 F
30/08/2008 Elspeth  Kelman 59 F
27/08/2008 Peter Taylor 58 M
20/08/2008 Derek Witt 60 M
15/08/2008 Michael Leech 44 M
09/08/2008 David McCall 46 M
03/08/2008 David William Archer 52 M
29/07/2008 Lee Thompson Walker 10 M
16/07/2008 Ian Pendlebury 50 M
15/07/2008 Augusto Isava 17 M
15/07/2008 Paul Hendrich 36 M
08/07/2008 Mark Hollister 37 M
06/07/2008 David Rendell 23 M
06/07/2008 Jim Loveridge 71 M
01/07/2008 Svetlana Stoiko 45 F
23/06/2008 Lucinda Ferrier 32 F

Norman Fay
Daniel Andrews
04/06/2008 Marie Vesco 19 F
27/05/2008 Daniel Mullen 31 M
27/05/2008 23:00 Daniel Scott-Mullen 31 M
26/05/2008 Lee Alan Jones 34 M
12/05/2008 Claire Blarmire 24 F
11/05/2008 John Keith Whitaker 67 M
08/05/2008 Ruby Milnes 17 F
29/04/2008 Iain Wilson 35 M
21/04/2008 Antony Smith 37 M
11/03/2008 Nick Walker 16 M
04/03/2008 Marcin Marcinkowski 23 M
27/02/2008 Mark Fox 34 M
18/02/2008 Jeremy Beavan 44 M
01/02/2008 John Meyer 59 M
25/01/2008 Louis Fussell 82 M
15/01/2008 Jason MacIntyre 34 M
14/01/2008 Emanuel Daniel Harja 30 M
10/01/2008 Frederick Roberts 85 M
07/01/2008 Denise Margiotta 54 F
07/01/2008 Elaine Mary Mills 46 F
Cyclists killed in 2008:60
06/12/2007 Kate Charles 41 F
26/11/2007 Glenn Syder 49 M
04/11/2007 Vinnie Carta 21 M
30/10/2007 Keith Harmer 49 M
28/10/2007 Abigail Haythorne 17 F
25/10/2007 Ivan Feduyk 53 M
23/10/2007 Gorden Kay 34 M
06/10/2007 Christine Jones 47 F
17/09/2007 ? ? M
12/09/2007 Aydan Roebuck-Wilson 14 M
10/09/2007 Christopher Maclure 21 M
01/09/2007 ? 16 M
14/08/2007 Shaun Edwards 16 M
18/07/2007 Anthony Spink 41 M
16/06/2007 Lennard Woods 53 M
23/05/2007 Leonard Pounder 59 M
19/05/2007 Christopher Johnson-Newell 55 M
04/05/2007 James Danson-Hatcher 23 M
04/05/2007 Ninian Donald 33 M
18/04/2007 Timothy Kane 35 M
08/04/2007 Stephen Granger 59 M
05/04/2007 Stephen Ferguson 38 M
01/04/2007 Tsk Fok 22 M
26/03/2007 Samantha Castledine 6 F
09/03/2007 Madeline Wright 26 F
09/03/2007 Rosie Wright 26 F
01/03/2007 Amelia Zollner 24 F
07/02/2007 07:00 Jordan Wickington 19 M
05/02/2007 Arthur Richard Alexander 59 M
14/01/2007 Mel Vasey 53 M
Cyclists killed in 2007:30
15/12/2006 Lee Anthony White 35 M
01/12/2006 09:10 Emma Foa 56 M
17/10/2006 Victoria Buchanan 28 F
10/10/2006 Matthew Billy Shaw Reger 10 M

Charlotte Morse
Brixton Brady
05/09/2006 Darren Hughes 28 M
07/08/2006 Wendy Gay 42 F
08/07/2006 Andrew Rawling 38 M
06/07/2006 Michael Wright  65 M
29/06/2006 Thomas Gregory 87 M
25/06/2006 Mark Gerrish 33 M
15/06/2006 Ryan Marshall 9 M
26/04/2006 Naqibullah Aman 25 M
22/04/2006 Ben Philip Hampton 12 M
18/02/2006 Joseph Corner 77 M
02/02/2006 Patricia McMillan 32 M
08/01/2006 10:00 David Horrocks 55 M
08/01/2006 10:00 Maurice Broadbent 61 M
08/01/2006 10:00 Thomas Harland 14 M
08/01/2006 10:00 Wayne Wilkes 42 M
Cyclists killed in 2006:21
29/12/2005 James Berry 13 M
18/11/2005 Harriet Tory 37 F
01/09/2005 Adrian Allen 38 M
01/09/2005 Lee Hornby 34 M
19/07/2005 Andrew Ault 37 M
11/03/2005 Thomas Sippel-Dau, 54 M
24/01/2005 Philip Bentley 33 M
Cyclists killed in 2005: 7
Date Time Victim Age Gender
08/11/2004 John Morris 58 M
01/11/2004 Laura Hulbert 25 F
01/10/2004 David Kerslake 44 M
23/09/2004 Mark Read 30 M
01/06/2004 David Cameron 7 M
26/05/2004 Emilie Harris 20 F
1 height=0/05/2004 Vicki McCreery 37 F
01/04/2004 Ann Leung 36 F
01/03/2004 Tobias Hookem 14 M
23/02/2004 Sebastian Lukomski 27 M
Cyclists killed in 2004:10
07/11/2003 Philip Bradley 20 M
30/08/2003 Carla Mary Louise Garbutt 17 F
15/07/2003 James Foster 36 M
01/07/2003 Sam Beasley 14 M
11/01/2003 Michael Little 24 M
Cyclists killed in 2003:5
10/10/2002 Anthony Wakelin 15 M
Cyclists killed in 2002:1
30/03/2001 Paul Vacher 15 M
Cyclists killed in 2001:1
30/07/2000 Barry Cawley 37 M
26/07/2000 Christopher Wheeler 34 M
01/06/2000 Alex Jane McVitty 26 F
Cyclists killed in 2000:3
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