I wonder, should any unfortunate cyclist encounter one of these people and end up in an accident with them, could their mindless ramblings on Twitter be used to prove premeditation? Here's a few from the last hour...
Good luck Team GB at your Manchester headquarters, James here is goin' ta getcha!
One day I will run over a cyclist! The road is made for cars, not bikes
— James Barlow (@JamesBarlow1) September 3, 2012
This charmer works at Universal music, but don't worry his opinions are his own.
I nearly wiped a cyclist for being a dick however I count them as the vermin of the euston road so no love lost
— Sam Lunn (@LamSunn) September 3, 2012
Now this young fellow is a young pro footballer at Stirling Albion who just failed his driving test, thank God.
gonna find that cyclist that made me fail the day and batter shit out him#wank
— Jamie Cleland (@PaperSink) September 3, 2012
And Sahara here's heart is obviously barren.
Sometimes certain cyclist need to get hit
— Sahara (@SVRxoxo) September 3, 2012